Thursday, December 15, 2011

Steinway&Sons piano with Welte Vorsetzer Chopin Nocturne Op27No2 T. Leschetizky.wmv

For sale: This is a beautiful Steinway & Sons upright piano K-132 built in 1910 in Hamburg. It is played by a Welte pushup player (Vorsetzer), playing roll 1194 with F. Chopins Nocturne Op27 No2, recorded by T. Leschetizky. For further instruments please have a look at or

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Which Piano Brands Are Best For Beginners?

!±8± Which Piano Brands Are Best For Beginners?

Figuring out the best possible brand of piano to purchase for a player that is just beginning can be a pretty difficult task depending on the particular situation. No one can come right out and tell you what piano to buy, it's a decision that you must work your way to with a good bit of research.

There are a number of questions that you should ask yourself before jumping into a purchase that may be as major as buying a piano.

Has the beginner ever played before?

If the beginner that you are considering buying a piano for has never so much as played the instrument before and there is no one else residing in the house that will play, some serious thought should be put into the decision. In fact, if this is a situation that you are currently facing, it might be advisable, if possible, for the beginner to take a few lessons at a studio or to purchase a less expensive, electronic keyboard to begin with to be sure that the beginner will hold some interest in the endeavor after the initial novelty begins to wear off.

The last thing you want to do is go out and spend more that twenty thousand dollars on a very large instrument that will take up quite a bit of space in your home only to find that there is no real deep interest there. A keyboard is a good, inexpensive and portable learning tool that will help you gage if there is a real interest there, and it will still be of use later down the road after a full size piano is procured.

What fits my situation?

If you are sure that purchasing a piano is the right decision, then you've got some serious studying to do.

In all reality, the best brand of piano for your beginner is going to be the one that fits your particular situation, in terms of price, size and sound quality.

There are plenty of excellent manufacturers of pianos available in every imaginable style and price range: Steinway, Wurlitzer, Kawai and Yamaha each have different musical quality and each manufacturer comes with a potentially very different price tag (Steinway produces pianos that are well in excess of six figures, where as Yamaha produces a quality instrument for under twenty thousand dollars.) Each brand will have a style, sound and price that will appeal to different types of players.

Pianos come in two different "body types", uprights and grand pianos. Grand pianos normally produce a better sound quality, but uprights are often far less expensive and easier to fit into your home.

You'll want to visit plenty of show rooms, do a lot of testing out different brands and talking to a good deal of sales people, teachers and technicians in order to narrow down the possibilities and begin to select the piano that may be right for you. You want a brand that has good merit, a solid reputation and that offers a good warranty.

Once you've got a manufacturer in mind that you feel comfortable with, it's time to pick the most appropriate model for your situation - if at all possible, try not to buy the manufacturer's least expensive model. It's no secret that the cheapest model in terms of cost is probably the manufacturer's model that is also of the lowest quality, a few hundred to one thousand dollars price difference could mean a world in the difference of quality of the instrument.

Don't despair that you can't afford the world's greatest piano right from the beginning, many reputable manufacturers have a "trade up" option that will allow you to upgrade to a better model when you feel that you may have outgrown your current piano

When it comes to buying a piano, as with making any other major purchase you want to be armed with information -ask a lot of questions and buy what you can afford. Pick a manufacturer that has a trade up option so you'll always be able to have the best possible piano for your situation.

Which Piano Brands Are Best For Beginners?

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Piano's Structure and Composition

!±8± The Piano's Structure and Composition

The piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence, Italy in early 1700.
Since then, the piano has brought many changes. The piano is an instrument that has
Keyboard and strings. The piano is similar to the clavichord and harpsichord, but all other
the other in order to make sounds. In the clavichord the strings are struck by tangents
ever touching the rope. Plucked at the ', harpsichord, strings throughPlugs and piano
Strings, the hammers with which to beat the bounce and liberties of the string vibrates.

The word comes from the Italian name piano harpsichord with soft and loud, is the original
ie, where the instrument. This name slandered in harpsichord with soft and loud, which means
the ability of the plan to produce different notes amplification, depending on how hard you press
The keys.There are two types of pianos, which are the mainUpright piano invented and then
Plan. All pianos are made in four parts which are the case of the tailpiece, the keyboard and pedals.

The case contains all the cords and equipment to produce the sound. Ali
If a horizontal, vertical pianos are a special case. The tailpiece is made of ropes,
The metal frame and the soundboard. The strings are steel. The low notes of the piano
contain a string per note, and asThey move the notes are composed of two and then three
Strings, which are all down the hammer, at the same time. The metal structure holds the
Strings in tension. Are the strings attached to metal spikes on the metal frame at one end and
other end is fixed with metal parts called pins. Tunes on a piano tightening or loosening the
Pin. The soundboard amplifies the vibrations of the strings through the resonance.

The keyboard is made of white keysand black keys. A regular piano usually has 88 keys,
but this can vary. The keys on the piano use the lever-principle to function. When you press down on
one of the keys on the keyboard, the rear part of the key rises and causes the escapement to push
the hammers down, bounce off the string, and return to its position. The damper rises so the strings
can vibrate at the same time the hammer touches the string.

The piano usually has two pedals, but some can have three. The pedal to the right is the
main pedal used in playing. This pedal is used to rise the damper and extend the sound. The pedal on
the left is used to play softer.

Now a day there are hundreds of prestigious piano brand names. Some which are
Bosendorfer, Baldwin, Steinway, Boston, Kawai, Kimbal, Petrof and Yamaha. A Grand Piano has a price
range from about ,000 to about 0,000. The most expensive piano in the world is an Alma-
Tadema Steinway which, was sold in an auction in 1998 for 1.2 million dollars. The piano was bought
by Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

The Piano's Structure and Composition

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